Have you considered BENLYSTA for your patients?

BENLYSTA can be used in appropriate patients with lupus nephritis who are initiating treatment or experiencing active disease.

Do these patients* look familiar to you?

Learn how BENLYSTA could make a difference in patients* with lupus nephritis.

Meet Jonathan*

A patient with lupus nephritis receiving initial therapy

His story

Meet Carla*

A patient with lupus nephritis receiving initial therapy

Her story

Meet Chloe*

A pediatric patient with lupus nephritis  

Her story

* Hypothetical patient profiles. May not be representative of all BENLYSTA patients.


A 38-year-old patient with a 6-year history of lupus symptoms; correctly diagnosed 4 years ago. Subsequently diagnosed with lupus nephritis 6 months ago.


You may get to a point where you think you can’t go on or you can’t handle it anymore, but I promise you, you can.

Initial lupus manifestations and lab values

  • Synovitis (6)
  • uPCR 2.5 g/day
  • Renal-biopsy confirmed Class IV LN (10)
  • Anti-dsDNA antibodies (6)

Initial treatment


  • HCQ 400 mg/day + prednisone 15 mg/day + MTX 15 mg/week

Lupus nephritis

Initial therapy

  • BENLYSTA IV + MMF 3 g/day + HCQ 400 mg/day + prednisone 20 mg/day

Maintenance therapy

  • BENLYSTA IV + MMF 3 g/day + HCQ 400 mg/day + prednisone 7.5 mg/day

Jonathan’s concerns for his lupus nephritis diagnosis

Since getting this new diagnosis, I can’t lie, I have been scared. I learned that lupus nephritis can even lead to worse complications and I don’t want that.

Experience on BENLYSTA

After my diagnosis, my doctor expressed concern about preserving my kidney function and recommended we start BENLYSTA. I have started taking the weekly injections using the BENLYSTA Autoinjector. So far, I really appreciate the at-home convenience of it. It’s easier to fit into my busy schedule. I find treatment with BENLYSTA promising and I’m hopeful that I’ll be able to do the things I enjoy again.

* Hypothetical patient profile. May not be representative of all BENLYSTA patients.

† EULAR/ACR 2019 criteria score for SLE classification.

ACR = American College of Rheumatology; anti-dsDNA = anti-double–stranded DNA; EULAR = European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology; HCQ = hydroxychloroquine; IV = intravenous; LN = lupus nephritis; MMF = mycophenolate mofetil; MTX = methotrexate; SLE = systemic lupus erythematosus; uPCR = urine protein:creatinine ratio.

BENLYSTA may help your patients like Jonathan preserve their kidney function.

See if BENLYSTA could help


A 44-year-old patient with a 7-year history of lupus symptoms; correctly diagnosed 5 years ago. Subsequently diagnosed with lupus nephritis 3 years ago.


I was scared about what having lupus nephritis meant, not only for me, but also for my family. My main concern is always my kids. I cannot imagine not being able to fulfill the role of being their mom.

Initial lupus manifestations and lab values

  • Synovitis (6)
  • Leukopenia (3)
  • eGFR of 85 mL/min/1.73 m2
  • Active urinary sediment
  • Proteinuria <3 g/g
  • Renal-biopsy confirmed Class III LN (10)

Initial treatment


  • HCQ 200 mg/day
  • Prednisone 20 mg/day

Lupus nephritis

Initial therapy

  • BENLYSTA IV + MMF 3 g/day + HCQ 200 mg/day + prednisone 40 mg/day

Maintenance therapy

  • BENLYSTA IV + HCQ 200 mg/day + prednisone 5 mg/day + MMF 3 g/day

Carla’s concerns about her lupus nephritis diagnosis

When my symptoms started impacting the time I spent with my family, I knew I had to do something. I’m happy to know that there is a treatment for lupus nephritis that has the potential to help reduce my symptoms so I can focus on what is important to me.

Experience on BENLYSTA

A few months back, my doctor started me on BENLYSTA through IV injections. Later, I was offered the option to switch to the BENLYSTA Autoinjector. The at-home convenience of it was really appealing. After treatment with BENLYSTA, my symptoms had improved. Over time, my lab results have shown increased eGFR, which means that my kidney function has been improving, and my doctor is hopeful that I may be able to achieve renal remission.

* Hypothetical patient profile. May not be representative of all BENLYSTA patients.

† EULAR/ACR 2019 criteria score for SLE classification.

‡ Renal remission is defined here as complete renal response (CRR) and was a secondary endpoint in the 104-week BLISS-LN study.

BLISS-LN = Belimumab International Study in Lupus Nephritis; eGFR = estimated glomerular filtration rate.


A 10-year-old patient with a 3-year history of lupus symptoms; correctly diagnosed 2 years ago. Subsequently diagnosed with lupus nephritis a year ago.


Even though I'm a little nervous about seeing new doctors, I know they’re trying to help me get better. When I feel better, I can play with my dog and that is my favorite thing to do.

Initial lupus manifestations and lab values

  • Rash (4) and fatigue
  • Arthritis (6)
  • Proteinuria 3 g/day (4)

Initial treatment


  • HCQ 200 mg/day + MTX 15 mg/week + prednisone 15 mg/day

Lupus nephritis

Initial therapy

  • BENLYSTA IV + MMF 2 g/day + prednisone 40 mg/day

Maintenance therapy

  • BENLYSTA IV + MMF 1.5 g/day + HCQ 200 mg/day + prednisone 7.5 mg/day

Parent concerns while on initial treatment

I’m scared about what lupus nephritis means for her, but we are determined to stay strong.


- Chloe’s mother

Experience on BENLYSTA

Chloe’s parents worry each time she experiences a kidney flare. They know that the more it happens, it brings her closer to the possibility of severe implications.


When the doctor mentioned BENLYSTA infusions a year ago and explained how it may help preserve her kidney function, Chloe’s parents were a bit nervous, but optimistic for what it could mean for her. They wanted nothing more than for their child to feel better. They have been hopeful since their daughter began treatment with BENLYSTA.

* Hypothetical patient profile. May not be representative of all BENLYSTA patients.

† EULAR/ACR 2019 criteria score for SLE classification.

Help your patients like Chloe receive the care they need with BENLYSTA.

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How to start a patient on BENLYSTA

BENLYSTA Gateway can help you and your patients access BENLYSTA.

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Efficacy for lupus nephritis

BENLYSTA improved key clinical outcomes for appropriate patients.

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Icon: Inflammation in multiple organ systems

BENLYSTA is the first-and-only FDA-approved biologic for both lupus and lupus nephritis

BENLYSTA is the first-and-only FDA-approved biologic for both lupus and lupus nephritis