Select the date of the first infusion for the first loading dose

Date of first infusion

Loading dose dates


Ongoing dosing dates

(1 infusion every 4 weeks thereafter)

For patients who have already completed 3 loading doses, enter the last infusion date*

Date of last infusion

Ongoing dosing dates

(1 infusion every 4 weeks thereafter)

* Results will present a 6-month calendar of ongoing dosing dates.

Icon: IV bag


BENLYSTA IV is for intravenous infusion and must be reconstituted and diluted prior to administration. BENLYSTA IV is administered 10 mg/kg in a 1-hour intravenous infusion at 2-week intervals for the first 3 doses and at 4-week intervals for each dose thereafter.

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BENLYSTA Autoinjector

This option with at-home convenience is available for adult patients with lupus or lupus nephritis.

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Safety profile

Well-established safety profile based on the largest clinical trial program in lupus and lupus nephritis.

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Talk to your patients about the dosing option that is most convenient for them

Talk to your patients about the dosing option that is most convenient for them