2023 EULAR recommendations and 2024 KDIGO guidelines

BENLYSTA is in the latest treatment guidelines for lupus and lupus nephritis

EULAR Recommendations

KDIGO Guidelines

2023 EULAR recommendations and 2024 KDIGO guidelines

BENLYSTA is in the latest treatment guidelines for lupus and lupus nephritis

EULAR Recommendations

KDIGO Guidelines

Summary of select EULAR recommendations1

Icon: Inflammation in multiple organ systems


Consider adding biologics, such as BENLYSTA (belimumab) or anifrolumab, after HCQ:

  • If not responding to HCQ (alone or in combination with GC)
  • Or, unable to taper steroids below doses acceptable for chronic use
Icon: Steroids


Maintenance steroid dose should be ≤5 mg/day and, when possible, withdrawn.

Icon: Renal

Lupus nephritis

Consider the addition of BENLYSTA or CNIs at the beginning of treatment for ALL patients with active proliferative lupus nephritis.

Following renal response, continue treatment for at least 3 years.

Icon: checkmark

BENLYSTA was acknowledged to have more than 10 years of real-life clinical experience1

EULAR recommendations in lupus nephritis1:

According to EULAR, changes in the treatment landscape have inspired discussions on a “paradigm shift” in the treatment of lupus nephritis, moving from the traditional “induction-maintenance” regimen to the early use of combination therapies.

Treatment of lupus nephritis

Chart of EULAR recommendations in lupus nephritis
Chart of EULAR recommendations in lupus nephritis

Used with permission from Fanouriakis A, et al. Ann Rheum Dis. 2024;83(1):15-29. © BMJ.

* In addition to general protective measures outlined in treatment of non-renal SLE treatment figure.

† Belimumab should always be given in combination with MMF or low-dose CYC as initial therapy, and with MMF or AZA as maintenance therapy.

‡ CNIs should be given in combination with MMF.

§ Particularly recommended in the presence of poor prognostic factors: reduced eGFR, histological presence of cellular crescents or fibrinoid necrosis, or severe interstitial inflammation.

¶ Extension of high-dose CYC to subsequent phase refers to severe lupus nephritis cases, in which bimonthly or quarterly CYC pulses may be given following 6 monthly pulses.

** In relapsing/refractory disease, especially after failure to CYC-based regimens.

ACEi = angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor; ARB = angiotensin receptor blocker; eGFR = estimated glomerular filtration rate; MP = methylprednisolone; SGLT2i = sodium glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitor; TAC = tacrolimus; UPr = urine protein; VOC = voclosporin.

Select overarching principles from the EULAR 2023 lupus recommendations1

Select overarching principles from the EULAR 2023 lupus
Select overarching principles from the EULAR 2023 lupus

Recommended approach for initial therapy of active Class III/IV lupus nephritis2

Graph of recommended approach for initial therapy of active Class III/IV lupus nephritis

These are only select guideline recommendations, not the complete KDIGO guidelines.

Caution is warranted when CNIs are used in patients with significantly impaired kidney function, in view of increased susceptibility for severe consequences due to CNI nephrotoxicity. The eGFR and SCr levels stated in the figure were patient selection criteria adopted in the respective clinical trials.

b.i.d. = twice daily; p.o. = oral; q2wk = every 2 weeks; q4wk = every 4 weeks; SCr = serum creatinine.

Icon: Patients

Choose BENLYSTA after HCQ* for patients with lupus.

* As part of standard therapy.

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BENLYSTA for Lupus

BENLYSTA improved key clinical outcomes for appropriate patients.

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BENLYSTA for lupus nephritis

BENLYSTA improved key clinical outcomes for appropriate patients.

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