Lindsay's diagnosis story

Hypothetical patient profile. May not be representative of all patients.

video transcript


ON-SCREEN TEXT: * Hypothetical patient profile. May not be representative of all patients.

LINDSAY: I started having symptoms a few years before I was diagnosed with lupus, but I brushed them off at first. I was working really hard, so I thought I was just tired. But then I started getting bad joint and muscle pains.

ON-SCREEN TEXT: Lindsay*; 37 years old; Diagnosed with lupus 3 years ago.

ON-SCREEN TEXT: * Hypothetical patient profile. May not be representative of all patients.

LINDSAY: Some days I had a hard time getting out of bed. I saw a few different doctors, but no one seemed to know what was wrong with me.

LINDSAY: I had to stop doing what I loved. I used to hike with friends and do nature photography, but it just got too painful. My family and friends were really worried. I tried to reassure them, but it’s hard when there’s so much uncertainty.

LINDSAY: It took over 2 years and countless doctor visits to figure out what was happening to me and my body. It was such a scary time. I was so relieved to finally get a diagnosis and know that what I was feeling, wasn't all inside my head. Lupus...was the cause.

LINDSAY: I looked forward to starting treatment right away. My goal was to start feeling better and get back to spending time with my family and friends.

ON-SCREEN TEXT: Trademarks owned or licensed by GSK. BELVID210017 September 2021.

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