Well-established safety profile based on the largest lupus clinical trial program

BENLYSTA is the only biologic for lupus and lupus nephritis studied in over 7000 patients over 11+ years.

The safety profile of BENLYSTA has been established across a diverse patient population1-7

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Adults with lupus

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Children 5 years and older
with lupus

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Adults of Black race
with lupus

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Adults with lupus

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Post-marketing safety trial
in adults with lupus

patients with lupus have been included in trials of BENLYSTA, including a clinical trial in patients with lupus nephritis (N=448)1-7

Lupus safety profile

The safety profile of BENLYSTA is well-established across clinical trials, including trials in IV and subcutaneous administration, and a long-term extension study.

IV formulation

Incidence of adverse reactions in IV trials (adult Phase II, BLISS-52, and BLISS-76)

In ≥3% of patients treated with BENLYSTA IV 10 mg/kg + ST and ≥1% more frequently than in patients receiving placebo + ST in the 52-week Phase II trial, BLISS-52, and BLISS-76

Adverse reactions BENLYSTA 10 mg/kg
Nausea 15% 12%
Diarrhea 12% 9%
Pyrexia 10% 8%
Nasopharyngitis 9% 7%
Bronchitis 9% 5%
Insomnia 7% 5%
Pain in extremity 6% 4%
Depression 5% 4%
Migraine 5% 4%
Pharyngitis 5% 3%
Cystitis 4% 3%
Leukopenia 4% 2%
Gastroenteritis viral 3% 1%

Adverse reactions in the BLISS-LN and PLUTO trials were consistent with those in adult IV trials.

Adverse reactions in the EMBRACE trial were consistent with the known safety profile of BENLYSTA administered IV + ST in the overall population.7

BASE (post-marketing trial of 4003 adult patients) demonstrated rates of AEs consistent with the pivotal trials and higher rates of serious infusion/hypersensitivity reactions, fatal reactions, and serious psychiatric events.7

AE = adverse event; BASE = Belimumab Assessment of Safety in SLE; BLISS-LN = Belimumab International Study in Lupus Nephritis; EMBRACE = Efficacy and Safety of Belimumab in Adult Subjects of Black Race; IV = intravenous; PLUTO = Pediatric Lupus Trial of BENLYSTA; ST = standard therapy.

SC formulation

  • The safety profile was consistent with the known safety profile of BENLYSTA IV + ST, with the exception of local injection site reactions
    • Injection site reactions in BENLYSTA + ST group: 6.1%
    • Injection site reactions in placebo + ST group: 2.5%
    • Most common injection site reactions: pain, erythema, hematoma, pruritus, and induration

SC = subcutaneous.

Long-term safety results

Safety data observed over 7 years8

Long-term safety was assessed in the open-label BLISS-76 LTE (US participants only)

Primary endpoint (safety) results (N=268) (at any time post-baseline)
Most frequent AEs (≥25%)
Arthralgia 40.3%
Nausea 32.8%
Headache 32.1%
Bacterial upper respiratory tract infection 28.7%
Viral upper respiratory tract infection 28.4%
Bacterial urinary tract infection 26.1%
≥1 SAE 41.8%
≥1 severe SAE (grade 3 or 4 events listed as life-threatening) 37.3%
Discontinuation due to an AE 9.7%

Over the 7-year follow-up, the rate of treatment-emergent AEs remained stable.8

Results are descriptive. Exploratory results should be interpreted with additional care.
See study design for data limitations.

LTE = long-term extension; SAE = serious adverse event.

Lupus nephritis safety profile

Adverse events observed in BLISS-LN were consistent with the known safety profile of BENLYSTA IV in patients with lupus.

Incidence of adverse events in the 104-week BLISS-LN trial9

At least one, % CYC/AZA arm
Placebo + ST
AE 93.3% 91.5%
Related AE 58.3% 52.5%
Serious AE 30.0% 23.7%
Severe AE 26.7% 22.0%
AE resulting in IP discontinuation 13.3% 8.5%
On-treatment fatal serious AEs which resulted in death on or off treatment 1.7% 0%
Additional deaths occurring after the treatment period 0% 0%
At least one, % MMF arm
Placebo + ST
AE 96.3% 95.2%
Related AE 53.7% 53.3%
Serious AE 24.4% 32.1%
Severe AE 23.2% 21.2%
AE resulting in IP discontinuation 12.8% 14.5%
On-treatment fatal serious AEs which resulted in death on or off treatment 1.8% 1.8%
Additional deaths occurring after the treatment period 1.2% 1.2%
At least one, % Average across both arms
  BENLYSTA IV + ST (n=224) Placebo + ST
AE 95.5% 94.2%
Related AE 54.9% 53.1%
Serious AE 25.9% 29.9%
Severe AE 24.1% 21.4%
AE resulting in IP discontinuation 12.9% 12.9%
On-treatment fatal serious AEs which resulted in death on or off treatment 1.8% 1.3%
Additional deaths occurring after the treatment period 0.9% 0.9%
At least one, % CYC/AZA arm MMF arm Average across both arms
Placebo + ST
Placebo + ST
BENLYSTA IV + ST (n=224) Placebo + ST
AE 93.3% 91.5% 96.3% 95.2% 95.5% 94.2%
Related AE 58.3% 52.5% 53.7% 53.3% 54.9% 53.1%
Serious AE 30.0% 23.7% 24.4% 32.1% 25.9% 29.9%
Severe AE 26.7% 22.0% 23.2% 21.2% 24.1% 21.4%
AE resulting in IP discontinuation 13.3% 8.5% 12.8% 14.5% 12.9% 12.9%
On-treatment fatal serious AEs which resulted in death on or off treatment 1.7% 0% 1.8% 1.8% 1.8% 1.3%
Additional deaths occurring after the treatment period 0% 0% 1.2% 1.2% 0.9% 0.9%

AZA = azathioprine; CYC = cyclophosphamide; IP = investigational product; MMF = mycophenolate mofetil.

Icon: Medical support

Adverse events in the BLISS-LN trial were consistent with those observed in adult IV trials conducted in patients with lupus

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BENLYSTA for lupus

BENLYSTA improved key clinical outcomes for appropriate patients.

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BENLYSTA for lupus nephritis

BENLYSTA improved key clinical outcomes for appropriate patients.

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Choose the well-established safety profile of BENLYSTA now

Choose the well-established safety profile of BENLYSTA now